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id: 76400000082

Site Root: /data/naruc/current/naruc_org/
username: public
userid: 0
dbname: naruc
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, br, zstd, deflate
Cookie: session=5078263652753568264
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;
X-Forwarded-Proto: https
X-Forwarded-Protocol: https

SCRIPT_NAME: /forms/CompanyFormPublic/viewCommissionRoster

When: Oct 27, 2024 1:25 am
PID: 28920

Error in PONotFound.
Here is a traceback of function calls, starting with the closest to that error.
Python 3.11.0: /home/maxx/lib/matrixmaxx3/bin/uwsgi
Sun Oct 27 17:05:53 2024

PONotFound: Object with id 76400000082 not found

      __cause__ = None
      __class__ = <class 'libs.PLayer.PersistentObject.PONotFound'>
      __context__ = None
      __delattr__ = <method-wrapper '__delattr__' of PONotFound object>
      __dict__ = {'value': 'Object with id 76400000082 not found'}
      __dir__ = <built-in method __dir__ of PONotFound object>
      __doc__ = ' This class is raised if we try to instantiate a...stent Object\n and fail because it is not found'
      __eq__ = <method-wrapper '__eq__' of PONotFound object>
      __format__ = <built-in method __format__ of PONotFound object>
      __ge__ = <method-wrapper '__ge__' of PONotFound object>
      __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper '__getattribute__' of PONotFound object>
      __getstate__ = <built-in method __getstate__ of PONotFound object>
      __gt__ = <method-wrapper '__gt__' of PONotFound object>
      __hash__ = <method-wrapper '__hash__' of PONotFound object>
      __init__ = <bound method PONotFound.__init__ of Object with id 76400000082 not found>
      __init_subclass__ = <built-in method __init_subclass__ of type object>
      __le__ = <method-wrapper '__le__' of PONotFound object>
      __lt__ = <method-wrapper '__lt__' of PONotFound object>
      __module__ = 'libs.PLayer.PersistentObject'
      __ne__ = <method-wrapper '__ne__' of PONotFound object>
      __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object>
      __reduce__ = <built-in method __reduce__ of PONotFound object>
      __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of PONotFound object>
      __repr__ = <bound method PONotFound.__repr__ of Object with id 76400000082 not found>
      __setattr__ = <method-wrapper '__setattr__' of PONotFound object>
      __setstate__ = <built-in method __setstate__ of PONotFound object>
      __sizeof__ = <built-in method __sizeof__ of PONotFound object>
      __str__ = <bound method PONotFound.__str__ of Object with id 76400000082 not found>
      __subclasshook__ = <built-in method __subclasshook__ of type object>
      __suppress_context__ = False
      __traceback__ = <traceback object>
      __weakref__ = None
      add_note = <built-in method add_note of PONotFound object>
      args = ('Object with id 76400000082 not found',)
      value = 'Object with id 76400000082 not found'
      with_traceback = <built-in method with_traceback of PONotFound object>

 /data/naruc/current/libs/PLayer/ in retrieve(self=<Company id="76400000082", isNew="False", context="default", memId="139717067059984">, loadAssocs=1, greedyAssocs=[], tContext=<TransactionContext name='default' memId=139717110311248>)
 1896         sql =, greedyAssocs)
 1897         # make the request to the db
 1898         rs = self.pb.processSqlList(sql)
 1899         # the result should only be one row
 1900         if (len(rs) == 0):
 1901             raise PONotFound('Object with id %s not found' %
 1902         elif (len(rs) != 1):
 1903             raise POTooManyFound("%s rows instead of 1: %s" %
 1904                                            (len(rs), sql[0]))
global PONotFound = <class 'libs.PLayer.PersistentObject.PONotFound'>
self = <Company id="76400000082", isNew="False", context="default", memId="139717067059984"> = '76400000082'

 /data/naruc/current/libs/PLayer/ in __init__(self=<Company id="76400000082", isNew="False", context="default", memId="139717067059984">, id='76400000082', noDefaults=0, greedyAssocs=[], tContext=None)
  350                 self.retrieve()
  351             except PONotFound:
  352                 loadDefaults = 1
  353         # If we have an id then try to grab from database.
  354         elif id != "0" and noDefaults != 1:
  355             self.retrieve(greedyAssocs=greedyAssocs)
  356         # We have no id, so just load default values
  357         else:
  358             loadDefaults = 1
self = <Company id="76400000082", isNew="False", context="default", memId="139717067059984">
self.retrieve = <bound method PersistentObject.retrieve of <Company id="76400000082", isNew="False", context="default", memId="139717067059984">>
greedyAssocs = []

 /data/naruc/current/libs/PLayer/ in new_init(self=<Company id="76400000082", isNew="False", context="default", memId="139717067059984">, *args=('76400000082',), **kw={})
   99     def __init__(cls, *args):
  100         """ Install a new __init__ which checks for the ID's existence first"""
  101         cls.__orig_init = cls.__init__
  102         def new_init(self, *args, **kw):
  103             if not hasattr(self, '_init_executed'):
  104                 retval = cls.__orig_init(self, *args, **kw)
  105                 self.__dict__['_init_executed'] = True
  106                 return retval
  107         cls.__init__ = new_init
retval undefined
cls = <class 'libs.PLayer.PersistentObject.PersistentObject'>
cls.__orig_init undefined
self = <Company id="76400000082", isNew="False", context="default", memId="139717067059984">
args = ('76400000082',)
kw = {}

 /data/naruc/current/libs/PLayer/ in new_init(self=<Company id="76400000082", isNew="False", context="default", memId="139717067059984">, *args=('76400000082',), **kw={})
   99     def __init__(cls, *args):
  100         """ Install a new __init__ which checks for the ID's existence first"""
  101         cls.__orig_init = cls.__init__
  102         def new_init(self, *args, **kw):
  103             if not hasattr(self, '_init_executed'):
  104                 retval = cls.__orig_init(self, *args, **kw)
  105                 self.__dict__['_init_executed'] = True
  106                 return retval
  107         cls.__init__ = new_init
retval undefined
cls = <class 'generic.classes.Company.Company'>
cls.__orig_init undefined
self = <Company id="76400000082", isNew="False", context="default", memId="139717067059984">
args = ('76400000082',)
kw = {}

 /data/naruc/current/libs/PLayer/ in new_init(self=<Company id="76400000082", isNew="False", context="default", memId="139717067059984">, *args=('76400000082',), **kw={})
   99     def __init__(cls, *args):
  100         """ Install a new __init__ which checks for the ID's existence first"""
  101         cls.__orig_init = cls.__init__
  102         def new_init(self, *args, **kw):
  103             if not hasattr(self, '_init_executed'):
  104                 retval = cls.__orig_init(self, *args, **kw)
  105                 self.__dict__['_init_executed'] = True
  106                 return retval
  107         cls.__init__ = new_init
retval undefined
cls = <class 'naruc_org.classes.naruc_Company.Company'>
cls.__orig_init undefined
self = <Company id="76400000082", isNew="False", context="default", memId="139717067059984">
args = ('76400000082',)
kw = {}

 /data/naruc/current/naruc_org/sites/www/forms/ in viewCommissionRoster(self=<naruc_CompanyFormPublic.naruc_CompanyFormPublic object at 0x7f126a2cc3d0>, id='76400000082')
    3 class naruc_CompanyFormPublic(CompanyFormPublic):
    5     def viewCommissionRoster(self, id=None):
    6         from client.classes import Company
    7         commission = Company(id)
    8         commissionList = Company.getCommissionsForWWWRoster()
    9         tmpl ='viewCommissionRoster.html', 'mako/objects/company/')
   10         self.writeHTMLWithWrap(tmpl(po=commission, commissions=commissionList))
   11         return self.OK
commission undefined
Company = <class 'naruc_org.classes.naruc_Company.Company'>
id = '76400000082'

 /data/naruc/current/libs/framework/ in _safeCall(self=<libs.framework.WebSite.WebSite object at 0x7f126a2bbf90>, method=<bound method naruc_CompanyFormPublic.viewCommissionRoster of <naruc_CompanyFormPublic.naruc_CompanyFormPublic object at 0x7f126a2cc3d0>>, fields=OurMultiDict([('id', '76400000082')]))
  289             for name in fields.keys():
  290                 if name in expected:
  291                     args[name] = fields[name]
  292             # now if we have any args to pass call the method
  293             if args:
  294                 return method(**args)
  295         # method has no arguments
  296         return method()
  298     def cleanForHTML(self, html):
method = <bound method naruc_CompanyFormPublic.viewCommissionRoster of <naruc_CompanyFormPublic.naruc_CompanyFormPublic object at 0x7f126a2cc3d0>>
args = {'id': '76400000082'}

 /data/naruc/current/libs/framework/ in processRequest(self=<libs.framework.WebSite.WebSite object at 0x7f126a2bbf90>, req=<libs.framework.MaxxRequestWrapper.MaxxRequestWrapper object at 0x7f126c5b8050>)
  430                     # I'm not exactly familiar with when Python allocates on the stack vs.
  431                     # heap, but it appears to solve a bug.
  432                     #
  433                     # print("Are we here?", file=sys.stderr)
  434                     fields = instance._fields
  435                     result = self._safeCall(method, fields)
  437                 elif req.method.upper() in ['PUT','DELETE'] and (req.uri.split('/')[1] == 'protectedRest' or \
  438                     req.uri.startswith('/forms/maxxapi/')):
  439                     #enable PUT on the protectedRest uri's
result undefined
self = <libs.framework.WebSite.WebSite object at 0x7f126a2bbf90>
self._safeCall = <bound method BaseHandler._safeCall of <libs.framework.WebSite.WebSite object at 0x7f126a2bbf90>>
method = <bound method naruc_CompanyFormPublic.viewCommissionRoster of <naruc_CompanyFormPublic.naruc_CompanyFormPublic object at 0x7f126a2cc3d0>>
fields = OurMultiDict([('id', '76400000082')])

 /data/naruc/current/libs/framework/ in _newRequest(self=<libs.framework.WebManager.WebManager object at 0x7f126a2afa50>, req=<libs.framework.MaxxRequestWrapper.MaxxRequestWrapper object at 0x7f126c5b8050>)
  250                             self._debugSites[self._sitePath] = debugSite
  252                         result = self.callWithMiddleware(debugSite, req)
  254                     else:
  255                         result = site.processRequest(req)
  256                         # at this point result will be returned to apache
  257                         # and becomes the http result
result = 0
site = <libs.framework.WebSite.WebSite object at 0x7f126a2bbf90>
site.processRequest = <bound method WebSite.processRequest of <libs.framework.WebSite.WebSite object at 0x7f126a2bbf90>>
req = <libs.framework.MaxxRequestWrapper.MaxxRequestWrapper object at 0x7f126c5b8050>