Samantha Levine Communications Director Phone: (609) 777-3305 Fax: (609) 292-2264
Alice Bator Director, Division of Audits Phone: (609) 292-0626 Fax: (609) 292-2620
Sara Bluhm Director, Division of Clean Energy Phone: (609) 777-3316 Fax: (609) 292-3886
Aida Camacho-Welch Secretary of the Board Phone: (609) 292-1599 Fax: (609) 777-3348
Xaymara Castro Personnel Assistant 1 Phone: (609) 913-6250 Fax: (609) 633-9864
Lori DiGaetano Director, Information Technology Phone: (609) 292-2423 Fax: (609) 292-1676
Paul Flanagan Executive Director Phone: (609) 292-1634 Fax: (609) 777-3348
Lawanda Gilbert Director, Office of Cable TV & Telecommunications Phone: (609) 341-9420 Fax: (609) 777-3325
Eric J. Hartsfield Director, Complaints and Consumer Affairs Phone: (609) 341-9148 Fax: (609) 777-3329
Cynthia Holland Director, Office of Federal & Regional Policy Phone: (609) 292-1629 Fax: (609) 777-3348
Sherri Jones Assistant Director, Division of Economic Development & Emerging Issues Phone: (609) 292-7471 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Mike Kammer Director, Division of Water Phone: (609) 292-1350 Fax: (609) 292-1649
Chance Lykins Director, Legislative Affairs Phone: (609) 292-1379 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Jerome May Directory, Division of Energy Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Stacy Peterson Director, Division of Energy Phone: (609) 292-3960 Fax: (609) 341-5781
Christine Sadovy Chief of Staff Phone: (609) 777-3307 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Michael Winka Manager, Office of Policy & Planning Phone: (609) 777-3312 Fax: (609) 777-3348
Ben Witherell Chief Economist Phone: (609) 292-2637 Fax: (609) 292-3191
Nick A. Apostolou Esq. Confidential Aide to Commissioner Christodoulou Phone: (609) 571-2129 Fax: (609) 292-3886
Carol Artale Deputy General Counsel Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Steven W Athanassopoulos Esq. Phone: (201) 410-2675 Fax: (609) 777-3330
William Barkasy Rate Analyst Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Michael Beck General Counsel Phone: (609) 777-3303 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Ariane Benrey Policy Analyst Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Taryn Boland Chief of Staff Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
John Borrmann Research Economist Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Bob Brabston Executive Director Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
David Brown Engineer Phone: (609) 341-2836 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Paul Anthony Buhagiar Bureau Chief - Financial Audits Phone: (609) 913-6258 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Kit Burnette Regulatory Officer Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Alexander Cary Regulatory Officer 1 Phone: (609) 777-3306 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Philip Chao Officer Phone: (609) 649-4493 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Emily Cheng Division of Clean Energy Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Christopher Colacello Analyst Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
James Creech Legal Specialist Phone: (609) 322-9981 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Dianne Crilly Research Scientist Phone: (732) 513-2541 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Regina Csira Special Assistant Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
JB Cuartas Director, Reliability and Security Phone: (609) 802-7733 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Malike Lloyd Cummings Mr. Phone: (609) 731-7335 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Dante Cusi Auditor 3 Phone: (609) 913-6259 Fax: (609) 292-2620
Amanda Davila Confidential Aide to the President Phone: (609) 847-9612 Fax: (609) 777-3330
AJ DeAnni Analyst Phone: (609) 913-6203 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Joe DeLosa Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Joan Delli Santi Aide to the President Samuel Kaplan Phone: (609) 633-9842 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Kimberly Diamond Senior Counsel Phone: (609) 913-6227 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Kevin Dillon Clean Energy Specialist Phone: (609) 292-1682 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Evelyn Dowling Administrative Assistant of Commissioner Mary- Anna Holden Phone: (609) 633-9879 Fax: (609) 292-3886
Evelyn Dowling Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Colin Emerle Deputy General Counsel Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Darren Erbe Administrative Analyst Phone: (609) 913-6260 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Jehvson Espiritu Auditor 1 Phone: (609) 292-0744 Fax: (609) 777-3330
KYLE Felton Rate Analyst 3 Phone: (732) 966-6220 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Jesse Flax Audit Accountant Phone: (609) 913-6210 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Angie Flores Assistant to Commissioner Chivukula Phone: (609) 633-9837 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Stephanie Forrest Assistant To Commissioner Dianne Solomon Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Frank Gaffney Business Ombudsman Phone: (732) 713-7430 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Henry Gajda Deputy Chief of Staff Phone: (609) 913-6342 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Robert Gordon Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Lauren Griffith Clean Energy Equity & Climate Workforce Development Officer Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Mahogany A Hall Program Specialist Phone: (609) 292-0090 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Jennifer Haltmeier agency Phone: (201) 602-6536 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Oneil Hamilton Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Isabella Hanna Confidential Aide Phone: (609) 913-6215 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Consowella Harris Administrative Assistant Phone: (609) 777-3306 Fax: (609) 292-2264
Diane Hewitt Executive Assistant Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Patrick Holzbaur Confidential Aide Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Michael Hornsby Chief Project Development Officer Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Valencia Hunt Audit Analyst Phone: (609) 292-0637 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Michael Hunter Esq. Regulatory Officer Phone: (609) 913-6224 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Scott Hunter Manager Phone: (609) 292-1956 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Tony Iskander Administrative Analyst Phone: (609) 341-9182 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Michael Kammer Director, Division of Water Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Sam Kaplan Confidential Aide to President Joseph L. Fiordaliso Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Bart Kilar Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Carlton Lanier Koonce Training Coordinator Phone: (609) 913-6248 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Cathleen Lewis LEWIS E-Mobility Programs Manager Phone: (609) 960-5345 Fax: (609) 777-3330
PAUL LUPO Bureau Chief Phone: (609) 984-9633 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Son Lin Lai Sr. Economist Phone: (609) 913-6232 Fax: (609) 777-3330
David Lamando Aide to the Commissioner Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Richard Lambert Administrative Analyst 1 Phone: (609) 341-9153 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Ann Lang Administrative Analyst Phone: (609) 462-4288 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Yanina Lepore Principal engineer Phone: (609) 292-1533 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Amanda Lescano Policy Analyst Phone: (000) 000-0000 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Ray Matos supervising customer rep Phone: (609) 341-9154 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Lauren Mattox Assistant to the Chief of Staff Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Sri Medicherla Engineer Phone: (973) 216-9679 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Kelly Mooij Director, Division of Clean Energy Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Ryan Moran Mr Rate Analyst II Phone: (609) 913-6201 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Kevin Nedza Director or Special Projects Phone: (609) 292-1538 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Kofi Ocansey Administrative Analyst Phone: (609) 913-6314 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Christopher Oprysk Environmental Engineer Phone: (609) 913-6202 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Sandra Perez Auditor Accountant Trainee Phone: (609) 913-6297 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Nefertiti Peters-Ali Customer Representative Phone: (609) 341-9146 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Dondru Phillips Phone: (609) 913-6251 Fax: (609) 633-9864
Earl Pierce Research Policy Analyst Phone: (609) 777-3335 Fax: (609) 777-3330
David Pirrong Customer Representative 1 Phone: (609) 341-9156 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Crystal Pruitt Deputy Director Phone: (609) 802-1174 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Farhana Rahman Analyst Trainee Phone: (210) 763-6581 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Naren K Ravaliya AA-4, Accounting Phone: (609) 913-6205 Fax: (609) 292-2620
Ryann Reagan Aide to the Commissioner Phone: (609) 433-6046 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Stacy Richardson Deputy Director, Division of Clean Energy Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Nisa Rizvi Environmental Engineer Trainee Phone: (609) 913-6329 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Matthew Rossi CE Budget Policy Mgr. Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Yuliana Santos Program Specialist Trainee Phone: (609) 947-5445 Fax: (609) 777-3330
David Schmitt Legal Specialist Phone: (260) 437-2767 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Abe Silverman Executive Policy Counsel Phone: (609) 777-3303 Fax: (609) 292-2264
Debra Stout Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Natalie M Stuart Eagleton Fellow Phone: (609) 322-9979 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Dean Taklif Principal Planner Phone: (609) 913-6293 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Peter Taunov Analyst Trainee Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Hannah Thonet Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Anissa Torres Administrative Assistant Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Paresh Trivedi Sr. Engineer Utilities Phone: (609) 913-6285 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Andrew Tuzzo Rate Analyst Trainee Phone: (609) 341-9188 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Dari Urban Analyst Phone: (609) 913-6292 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Marco Vadalvia Research Scientist Phone: (609) 913-6282 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Dustin Wang Program Specialist Trainee Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
Raquel D. Washington Manager, Human Resources Phone: (609) 292-1638 Fax: (609) 633-9864
Heather Weisband Senior Counsel Phone: (609) 777-3300 Fax: (609) 777-3330
denise brantley customer Service Representative Phone: (609) 341-9147 Fax: (609) 777-3330