
Ontario Energy Board (est. 1954)

2300 Yonge Street
Suite 2700
Toronto M4P 1E4
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656



Ms. Lynne Anderson photo

Lynne Anderson
Chief Commissioner
Phone: (416) 804-3081
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Mr. Fred Cass photo

Fred Cass
Phone: (416) 440-7601
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Dr. Robert Dodds photo

Robert Dodds
Phone: (905) 599-2025
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Allison Duff photo

Allison Duff
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Emad Elsayed photo

Emad Elsayed
Phone: (416) 910-2318
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Mr. Michael Janigan photo

Michael Janigan
Phone: (647) 539-9068
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Mr. Patrick Moran photo

Patrick Moran
Phone: (647) 979-0769
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Pankaj Sardana photo

Pankaj Sardana
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Mr. David Sword photo

David Sword
Phone: (437) 230-4430
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Anthony Zlahtic photo

Anthony Zlahtic
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Key Staff

Ted Antonopoulos
Vice President, Applications
Phone: (416) 440-8137
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Martine Band
Associate General Counsel
Phone: (416) 419-2623
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Ceiran Bishop
Director, Critical Initiatives
Phone: (416) 566-2989
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Carolyn Calwell
Chief Corporate Services Officer & General Counsel
Phone: (647) 883-7091
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Karen Evans
Director, Public Affairs
Phone: (416) 318-4013
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Brian Hewson
Vice President, Consumer Protection and Industry Performance
Phone: (416) 721-4986
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Brooke Holling
Director, Strategy, Project Management & Enterprise Change
Phone: (416) 440-7656
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Jennifer Kacaba
Corporate Secretary
Phone: (416) 522-2995
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Kevin Mancherjee
Director, Operations Decisions Support
Phone: (437) 331-1274
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Nancy Marconi
Phone: (647) 292-3225
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Harneet Panesar
Chief Operating Officer
Phone: (647) 530-4378
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Lenore Robson
Director, Strategic Policy
Phone: (416) 276-2726
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Susanna Zagar
Chief Executive Officer
Phone: (647) 229-0361
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Other Staff

Salim Abdi
Advisor, Performance Analytics & Reporting
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Shona Adamson
Senior Advisor
Phone: (437) 331-8509
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Susi Etoile Ahlborn
Regulatory Administrator
Phone: (905) 580-7059
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Mary Anne Aldred
Chief operating Officer and General Counsel
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Ashraf Ali
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Rachel Anderson
Manager, Energy Transition
Phone: (416) 544-5150
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Birgit Armstrong
Senior Advisor
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Marly Augustine
Phone: (416) 440-8140 x140
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Michael Beare
Phone: (416) 544-5194 x194
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Andrew Brinn
Advisor, Strategic Policy
Phone: (416) 440-7728
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Judy But
Phone: (416) 440-8121
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Nicola Charles
Senior Advisor
Phone: (416) 544-5193
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Stephanie Cheng
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

June Colman
Administrative Assistant
Phone: (416) 440-7625
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Tyler Davids
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Alexander Di Ilio
Senior Advisor
Phone: (416) 440-7718
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Michael Dorosz
Phone: (416) 878-3731
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Thomas Eminowicz
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Veronica Escobar Olivo
Policy Coordinator
Phone: (416) 440-7647 x647
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Catherine Ethier
Policy Advisor
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Vithoosham Ganesanathan
Phone: (416) 735-5570
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Tracy Ann Garner
Project Advisor
Phone: (416) 574-9318
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Emma Girard
Senior Advisor
Phone: (647) 376-5020
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Amber Goher
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Paula Gouveia
Administrative Assistant
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Raveen Gunaratnarajah
Advisor, Transmission Policy and Compliance
Phone: (437) 880-4360
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Helen Guo
Manager, Distribution Policy & Compliance
Phone: (416) 544-5152
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Mona Habashy
regulatory Admin
Phone: (416) 440-8118
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Hatem Hassan
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Imogen Haworth
Phone: (416) 440-8134 x134
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Christopher Humphries
Manager, Application Policy & Conservation
Phone: (437) 755-1823
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Taiwo Ishmail
Advisor- Application Policy & Conservation
Phone: (437) 880-4353
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Xiaoyu Jia
Phone: (416) 440-7749
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Antonio Johnson
Hearings Advisor
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Narisa Jotiban
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Donna Kwan
Project Advisor
Phone: (416) 440-7468
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Arturo Lau
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Donald Lau
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

John Lau
Senior Advisor
Phone: (416) 440-7690 x690
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Rachele Levin
Lead, Energy Transition
Phone: (877) 632-2727
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Rachele Levin
Energy Transition Lead
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Steven Liu
Phone: (437) 880-4370
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Liam Lonergan
Phone: (647) 274-8864
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Cindy Luo
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Azalyn Manzano
Phone: (416) 544-5180
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Vince Mazzone
Phone: (416) 544-5159
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Mirjana Micic
Phone: (416) 440-8128
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Michael Millar
Legal Counsel
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Tom Miller
Manager, Corporate Communications
Phone: (416) 544-5160 x160
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Lou Mustillo
Senior Inspector
Phone: (416) 544-5185
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Cathy Nguyen
Phone: (416) 544-5170
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Abla Nur
Phone: (437) 880-4351
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Fiona O'Connell
Project Advisor
Phone: (416) 440-8102
Fax: (416) 440-7656

George Panagopoulos
Executive Assistant
Phone: (416) 440-8143
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Zubin Panchal
Senior Advisor
Phone: (416) 440-8113
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Raj Pattani
Senior Advisor, Strategic Policy
Phone: (416) 544-5150
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Andrew Pietrewicz (OEB) Pietrewicz
Senior Advisor, Energy Transition - Strategic Policy
Phone: (416) 440-7642
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Natalya Plummer
Phone: (647) 828-5475
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Lara Pocock
Senior Advisor, Public Affairs
Phone: (647) 403-1577
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Petar Prazic
Senior Advisor
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Michael Price
Senior Advisor
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Iris Qi
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Musab Quereshi
Senior Advisor
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Musab Qureshi
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Sally Adel Rabei
Senior Advisor
Phone: (647) 624-4769
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Lynn Ramsay
Senior Advisor
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Warisha Rizvi
Phone: (437) 880-4356 x356
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Joanna Rosset
Legal Counsel
Phone: (416) 440-7669
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Ashley Sanasie
Hearings Advisor
Phone: (416) 544-5156
Fax: (416) 440-7656

hamida Shahnawaz
Project Advisor
Phone: (416) 440-8143
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Alex Share
Project Advisor
Phone: (416) 440-7749
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Lilia Esi Shillingford
Advisor, Corporate Communications
Phone: (647) 544-5154
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Alisha Singh
HR Generalist
Phone: (416) 440-8123
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Shalavi Sivabalan
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

James Smith
Senior Advisor
Phone: (416) 440-7699 x699
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Cathy Spoel
P/T Board Member
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Helena Wang
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Kaidie Williams
Phone: (437) 242-5953
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Kaidie Williams
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Dana Pei Hua Wong
Phone: (416) 440-7719
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Dylan Wright
Enterprise Strategist
Phone: (437) 880-4360 x362
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Iris Yuen
Sr. Advisor
Phone: (001) 416-4408 x116
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Muhammad Yunus
Phone: (416) 544-5178
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Ann Zeng
Deputy Registrar
Phone: (437) 880-8923
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Lizzie Zhang
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Shuo Zhang
Senior Advisor
Phone: (416) 440-7650
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Maggie Zhu
Senior Inspector
Phone: (416) 544-5163
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Tina Zhu
Senior Advisor
Phone: (416) 481-1967
Fax: (416) 440-7656

Locate Agency: