
Tennessee Valley Authority (est. 1933)

400 West Summit Hill Drive
Knoxville, TN 37902-2801
Phone: (423) 751-0011
Fax: (423) 751-4914


Key Staff

Janet Ellison
Executive Management Assistant
Phone: (423) 751-0011
Fax: (423) 751-4914

Other Staff

Phone: (423) 751-0011
Fax: (423) 751-4914

Sue Collins
Phone: (423) 751-0011
Fax: (423) 751-4914

Valerie Crockett
Sr Program Mgr, Energy Policy
Phone: (423) 751-0011
Fax: (423) 751-4914

Sarah Eason
Washington Representative
Phone: (202) 898-2950
Fax: (423) 751-4914

Buddy Eller
VP of Communications
Phone: (979) 216-8303
Fax: (423) 751-4914

P Fisher
Senior Advisor
Phone: (423) 751-0011
Fax: (423) 751-4914

Mandy Foster
CEO Executive Assistant
Phone: (423) 751-0011
Fax: (423) 751-4914

David Burton Fountain
Executive Vice President and General Counsel
Phone: (865) 293-6949
Fax: (423) 751-4914

Leslie Golden
Sustainability/Carbon Specialist
Phone: (931) 698-7808
Fax: (423) 751-4914

Lisa Haislip
Senior Program Manager
Phone: (423) 751-0011
Fax: (423) 751-4914

Karen Hansen
Sr. Program Manager, Environment and Energy Policy
Phone: (423) 751-3298
Fax: (423) 751-4914

Cynthia Herron
Phone: (423) 751-0011
Fax: (423) 751-4914

Jessica Hogle
VP of Federal Affairs
Phone: (202) 999-2706
Fax: (423) 751-4914

Jeff J. Lyash
President and Chief Executive Officer
Phone: (423) 751-0011
Fax: (423) 751-4914

Jeannette M. Mills
EVP & Chief External Relations Officer
Phone: (423) 751-0011
Fax: (423) 751-4914

Victoria Miner
Phone: (423) 751-0011
Fax: (423) 751-4914

Michelle Michelle Moore
Board Member
Phone: (256) 214-8155
Fax: (423) 751-4914

Marjorie Parsons
Phone: (423) 751-0011
Fax: (423) 751-4914

Jeff Perry
Phone: (423) 751-0011
Fax: (423) 751-4914

Karen Stampfli
Gas Asset Mgt
Phone: (423) 320-8043
Fax: (423) 751-4914

Bevin Taylor
Director, Federal Government Relations
Phone: (202) 898-2975
Fax: (423) 751-4914

Sandy Walker
Senior Natural Gas Scheduler, Specialist
Phone: (423) 751-3692
Fax: (423) 751-4914

Maria B Ward
Customer and Subtransmission Planning Engineer
Phone: (423) -75-6066
Fax: (423) 751-4914

Locate Agency: