
Task Force on Broadband Expansion

The Broadband Task force will work to identify: 1. How some States have successfully shifted state universal service funds from telephone and op ex support to broadband buildout capital support and any lessons learned that other states could utilize; 2. What other state programs are successfully building out broadband, how are they funded, and how are they structured; 3. How NARUC and NARUC members can best work with the FCC to help craft Universal Service Fund programs that will be most successful at expanding broadband into unserved areas; 4. Electric and gas utilities who have successfully leveraged their infrastructure to provide broadband service, including lessons learned from considering any regulatory hurdles, project funding mechanisms, the relative financial success for the utility, how (or should) State commissions incentivize such projects, and whether the overall approach can be replicated elsewhere. 5. Information related to the impacts of rural broadband deployment on economic development, education, healthcare, quality of life, the delivery of public utilities services and its ultimate benefits to customers.

Chris Nelson photo

Chris Nelson
Vice Chair
South Dakota Public Utilities Commission     

Karen Charles photo

Karen Charles
Massachusetts Department of Telecommunications and Cable     

Maida J. Coleman photo

Maida J. Coleman
Missouri Public Service Commission     

Todd Hiett photo

Todd Hiett
Oklahoma Corporation Commission     

Charlotte R. Lane photo

Charlotte R. Lane
Public Service Commission of West Virginia     

Lea Marquez Peterson photo

Lea Marquez Peterson
Arizona Corporation Commission     

Sherry Lichtenberg Ph.D. photo

Sherry Lichtenberg Ph.D.
Senior Manager, Policy, and Director, RTI
National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners     

James Bradford Ramsay photo

James Bradford Ramsay
General Counsel
National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners     