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2024 Annual Meeting Silicon Sponsor

Electronic (digital download/no shipping)

Guest, NonMember - $35,000.00


2024 Annual Meeting Silicon Sponsorship includes: • Invitation to participate in NARUC Consortium for Energy, Regulation and Data Centers. See charter below. • A 60 – 90 second video played during a general session *(Produced by sponsor) • Ten complimentary meeting registrations • Acknowledgement at the Sunshine State Welcome Reception • Logo featured on specialized hall monitors and directional signs. • Display table in a prominent location • Specialized scrolling banner on virtual platform *(Produced by sponsor) • Logo on app main page • Icon with materials, links, and company information • Feature article in a NARUC Bulletin • Interview on NARUC Power Walk • Complimentary six-month subscription to the NARUC Bulletin • Thirty five percent discount for a single 30-day job posting on the new NARUC Career Center website • Prominent logo recognition on master signage • Logo on select pre-meeting blast emails • Logo on webpage • Three advance and a final list of registrant emails • Logo promotion on NARUC social media • Recognition by NARUC Leadership

Product Details:

Product ID: 1373