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RTI - Water Utility Economic Regulation 101 2023

Electronic (digital download/no shipping)

Federal Member (Associate), Federal Member (Full), International Affiliate, International Member, State Member (Associate), State Member (Full) - $150.00

Guest, NonMember - $300.00


RTI - Water Utility Economic Regulation 101 2023 - On Demand Taught by the Honorable Jeff Hughes, Chair of the NARUC Committee on Water and a Commissioner with the North Carolina Utilities Commission (NCUC), this course is designed to de-mystify the economic regulation of water utilities and better prepare those involved in water regulation to address current and emerging water economic regulatory issues. Topics covered include Economic regulation vs. environmental regulation, the basics of traditional economic regulation/rate making, the impact of emerging environmental and public health issues, and alternative rate making practices and approaches.

Product Details:

Product ID: RTI-WTR23
Publication Year: 2023